Una vida sin limites: Inspiracion para una vida ridiculamente feliz. Nueva edicion con fotos a color (Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life) (Spanish Edition)

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This is an inspiring book by an extraordinary man. Nick Vujicic, born without arms or legs, overcame his disability to not only live independently, but to live a rich life that is a model for anyone seeking true happiness. In his youth Nick himself despaired about ever having a normal life, even to the point that he attempted suicide. But with wisdom uncharacteristic of one so young, he realized that he could affect how his life proceeded. Now 27 years old, he is an internationally successful motivational speaker, helping people find the strength to overcome their difficulties however large or small. Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. I chose gratitude. You can too. Nick offers profound inspiration in Life Without Limits for getting back up every time you are knocked down. Follow your heart just as I followed mine in pursuing my dream of inspiring and reaching out to people all over the world. If I can chase my dream traveling thousands and thousands of miles each year, you should have no doubt that your dreams are within reach too. Spanish Description: Nick Vujicic nacio sin brazos ni piernas pero logro vencer su discapacidad para disfrutar de una vida independiente, rica y llena de satisfacciones. Su ejemplo de superacion se ha convertido en un modelo de vida para quien busca la felicidad verdadera. En la actualidad Nick es un conferenciante motivacional que se dedica a difundir su mensaje por todo el mundo. Una vida sin limites nos descubre que la meta de cualquier ser humano es encontrar el significado de su existencia sin importar los obstaculos o las dificultades que se interpongan en su camino. Gracias a las palabras reveladoras de Nick y a su ejemplo de vida aprenderemos a aceptar todo aquello que no podemos controlar y a centrarnos en las capacidades transformadoras que poseemos con el objetivo de fomentar nuestra confianza para construir una vida provechosa y plena, una vida sin limites. - from Amzon 
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